Roles and responsibilities

Agree Life QI objectives and KPI's
Ensure Life QI is meeting the needs and objectives of the organisation
Unblock organisational barriers
Ensure sufficient resource is available to support ongoing use of Life QI

Below is a great step-by-step to get you up to speed with the system and start exploring the Life QI tools!



Set up and Structure

On your initial planning call, we would have spoken through your objectives and KPIs of using Life QI, your ‘Success measures’ and what’s important to you and your colleagues to make the roll out, adoption and continued spread a success


Set organisation objectives – This will help to outline why Life QI is the right platform for your organisation and how it meets the organisation’s needs
Organisation profile set up – Head to the start page, click on your organisation and review the structure of your profile. Add your company logo, contact details and about us for users to view
High-level Priorities – Agree with your organisation what your high-level priorities are and enter these into your organisation profile. This will help staff to stay on track and be clear on organisation goals
Setup Groups - groups set up and if so - are these are true reflection of your internal structure?
Review organisation’s membership - Have a look through your organisation’s membership – Are you happy with the uptake of your staff so far? Is there anything that we can do to support/ enhance staff engagement?

Review Analytics dashboard – Head to the analytics area of the platform and open the dashboard (s) that you have access too. These provide real-time insights into work taking place across your organisation and form the basis of your improvement management information and decision making.


Look at this specific Blog page here all about dashboards and how best to use them to accurately monitor QI work and impact at different levels across the organisation.


Track QI work and identify the impact – The right set of metrics that align with your internal reporting requirements will make it easy (and efficient) to highlight and celebrate success, track alignment to KPIs, return against your priority areas and provide evidence of specific topics to regulatory bodies.


They will also be extremely helpful in encouraging visibility and local ownership at divisional/ department level and help to foster collaborative working.



We know how important staff engagement is in the success of QI across the organisation. This article here talks through the culture of QI in an Organisation, leadership skills for engaging staff in QI, collaborative working and rewards and recognition as motivators.


Unblock barriers - internal barriers can often present when new systems are put in place, as a sponsor try and understand
Resourcing - Ensure sufficient resource available to support ongoing use of Life QI

Quarterly Review Meetings - Ensure you have a review meeting booked with your Life QI success, these are extremely helpful and will cover any issues progress with the platform to date and looking forward to the next quarter.


In preparation for these meetings – it is worth having a think about specific tangible results that you want to achieve in a set timescale and together we will identify a plan to achieve them together. Attend quarterly meetings with Life QI staff to review success and set goals.


Further adoption and spread

As a Sponsor it is important to keep QI activity moving within your organisation. Checking people are still using the platform, starting new projects, recording their data etc. 


Keep up Momentum - Once Life QI is embedded and QI activity is happening across your organisation, it’s important to continue momentum and plan for upcoming projects and programs
New Programmes – Keep abreast with new programs of work happening across the organisation and access if Life QI can support this work. Keeping all QI work in one place will
New ways of working - Are they any new ways of working? (e.g., the Integrated Care System model in the UK) that promotes partnerships of health and care to work together to deliver joined up services to improve the health of the population

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