PDSA cycles in Life QI

Thousands of organisations run their PDSA cycles in Life QI

Run a PDSA cycle

Run a PDSA cycle

Test out your improvement ideas quickly on a small scale before implementing them across the organisation. Plan out how you will carry out the test, test the change and collect data, evaluate that data. Record your PDSA cycles over time to capture the learning and to demonstrate the improvement journey. Everything in one online tool that allows you to share your work in real-time with your colleagues.

Save time with quick iterations

Leave repetitive work behind and focus on things that really matter. Avoid having to create your new PDSA cycle from scratch when you only want to change something in a previous plan.

Save time with quick iterations

Keep track of your activities

Create and assign tasks related to your PDSA cycle to your colleagues. Life QI makes it easier to plan and align the activities and collaborate with your team. Be on track with testing your change idea at every level, from the progress overview to each of your colleagues’ tasks.

Distribute tasks for your team

Add new activities and tasks or edit the existing ones whenever you want.

Inform your colleagues

Allow team members to see every task they are responsible for in detail.

Keep up with the progress

Check how your testing is progressing by monitoring the status of the tasks.

Measure the impact

Measure the impact

Track the impact of your PDSA cycles by collecting data as you test and monitoring for significant variation. By plotting your PDSA cycles on run and control charts Life QI will allow you to see the tangible link between your changes and their impact.


Special cause variation in your data is automatically calculated for you and visualised on your charts; allowing you to know whether your changes are causing significant positive change and can be further implemented and scaled.

Ramp PDSA cycles

Build new knowledge faster and plan future scale-up efforts. Run sequential iterations of a PDSA cycle to refine your change strategy rapidly and incrementally. Use PDSA ramps to think through what your future tests of change strategies may look like and decide if they are promising enough to result in improvement.

Ramp PDSA cycles

Choose a better way to run and ramp your PDSA cycles

Related Improvement Tools

Driver Diagram

Driver Diagram

Structure your thinking about how you can improve the quality of care. A driver diagram connects your aim with primary and secondary drivers and includes ideas to make the improvement happen.


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SPC Charts

SPC Charts

Study the changes in your improvement process over time and monitor its performance. With SPC charts you can analyse process performance by plotting data points, control limits, and a centre line.


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